Leading In-Home ABA Therapy in Miami-Dade County, FL
What is ABA Therapy at InBloom?
What is In-Home Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy in Miami-Dade County? ABA is a science applying principles of learning and behavior to create socially significant change in behavior to help children be as independent as possible. ABA Therapy is backed by decades of research and is constantly evolving. It is applied in any setting to reinforce helpful behaviors while discouraging harmful behaviors. It is highly effective in helping various populations of people. This includes those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
At InBloom Autism Services, we specialize in early intervention ABA Therapy for children 18 months to 5 years old. In our ABA Therapy programs, specific goals are added to a child’s learning plan to continually improve their independence through developmental skills and daily living skills. Some of the primary goals in ABA Therapy are related to improving key skills such as communication, socialization, daily living activities, (e.g. potty-training, toothbrushing, eating, dressing, etc.), and other essential skills!
What can you expect?
Positive Effects of ABA Therapy for Autism:
Gain Independence
ABA Therapy’s goal is to improve a child’s life by teaching them socially significant behaviors: desired skills, or undesired behaviors, targeted during ABA Therapy. Socially Significant Behaviors improve the learner’s quality of life in some capacity and have long-term positive effects. Social significance is determined by factors such as age, whether the child can access reinforcement in their natural environment by engaging in these behaviors, and caregiver needs. The list goes on!
- For example, a 2-year-old who cannot yet communicate their basic wants and needs (e.g., asking for food, drink, etc.) finds no use for learning colors at this stage. To this child, learning to ask for specific needs is a socially significant behavior, and learning to identify colors is a meaningful skill to target at a later time.
It is the duty of the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) to identify and prioritize socially significant behavior goals in collaboration with the child’s caregivers. In an effective and successful In-home ABA Therapy program, the child acquires these skills and generalizes and uses these skills outside the therapy setting, thus gaining independence.
Behavior Goals
Every child is unique. Allowing them to express themselves in the manner they prefer is the goal of ABA Therapy. However, some behaviors can be harmful to the child or those around them. These are considered “problem behaviors.” When addressing problem behaviors in ABA Therapy, it is important to understand why these behaviors occur. In other words, we must first determine the function of the behavior (sensory, escape, attention, or access to tangibles.)
When we think of problem behaviors, we ask ourselves these three questions:
- Is this behavior a safety concern to the child or others around them?
- Does this behavior prevent the child from living a least restrictive life?
- Does this behavior prevent the child from acquiring new skills?
If the answer is “yes” to at least one of these questions, then the behavior is considered a “problem behavior.” It’s important to note that problem behaviors cannot decrease without teaching and increasing the use of a functionally equivalent behavior. These replacement behaviors should always be individualized for each child to ensure their needs are being met.
Peer Interaction
Often, parents of children with ASD express a variety of concerns with peer interaction. Perhaps their child has either no interest in their same-age peers or expresses interest but is unable to initiate or sustain peer interactions.
So, how do we begin to teach something as complex and vague as peer interactions? This is an umbrella term that encompasses many other sub-skills. Some of these include sharing, taking turns, initiating greetings, engaging in cooperative play, making a request of a peer, and holding a conversation with a peer, among many other skills! Sometimes, prerequisite skills need to be developed before peer interactions can be tackled. These prerequisite skills might include eye contact, parallel play, following directions, and tolerating sharing and taking turns.
When assessing social skills, ABA Therapy measures observable and countable social behaviors. It defines the behaviors in specific terms measured to ensure progress toward goals. Above all else, social interactions vary significantly based on the child, so even peer interaction goals need to be very individualized to each child’s needs.

So Is ABA Therapy Right for Your Child?
As a parent searching for options for your child’s care, you come across many options that tout themselves as your best path forward. We have complete faith in the positive impact our In-Home and Center-Based ABA Therapy can produce for every child and their family.
The best way to find out if it’s the right fit for you is to take the next step and schedule an assessment with a BCBA. These assessments help identify strengths and goals for your child and are the first step in determining the ABA program for autism to best suit you and your child. Click here for additional resources and information about our ABA Therapy program!
If you are interested in scheduling an assessment, we encourage you to reach out to our Care Team!