Frequently Asked Questions2025-01-07T21:12:45+00:00
Do you have questions? We have answers!

Frequently Asked Questions

Online information about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and ABA Therapy is confusing. Our list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) answers the most common questions we hear from parents and caregivers. We hope it helps!

Have further questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Care Team today!

Questions About ABA Therapy

Where does ABA Therapy take place?2024-02-01T03:48:15+00:00

Studies show ABA therapy provided in a structured learning environment leads to higher rates of learning. This is why InBloom Autism Services initially provides most direct services in our learning centers. To ensure skills and desired behavior learned in the center setting transfer to a child’s life outside of the center, specific sessions plans in a child’s home and community work generalize all skills. Additionally, caregiver coaching and practice sessions plan with the ABA team outside of the center. This ensures a child’s desired behavior and acquired skills transfer to other settings and caregivers who are a part of his/her day-to-day life.

What does ABA Therapy do?2024-02-01T03:48:26+00:00

ABA therapy, when done correctly, decreases excessive undesired behavior like aggression and other potentially dangerous behavior. It also helps improve an individual’s attention, understanding of communication, social skills, safety skills, self-care, and regulation of emotions. Additionally, ABA therapy increases language and expressive communication skills.

What is ABA Therapy?2024-01-31T22:37:39+00:00

Therapies rooted in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) are based on the science of learning and behavior. ABA therapy was first developed in the 1970’s and benefits from decades of research to support its effectiveness for making meaningful changes in individual behavior. These changes occur by modifying an individual’s environment to support and reinforce behaviors and essential skills. This promotes and ultimately leads to development and independence.

ABA therapy evolves and is inclusive of ethical obligations and improved practices. These ensure it is applied in a compassionate, trauma-informed, and least intrusive manner, as well as with a responsibility to obtain consent from clients whenever possible. There are many teaching methods and approaches which fall under the umbrella of ABA. It is endorsed by the U.S Surgeon General and is the current therapeutic gold standard to improve the lives of those affected by autism.

When Should My Child Get Started in ABA Therapy?

How many hours per week will my child be in therapy at your learning center?2024-02-01T03:47:18+00:00

InBloom focuses exclusively on comprehensive care for kiddos entering our program. Depending on your child’s individual needs, time in therapy ranges from 20-40 hours per week. As your child meets his/her goals and progresses, the amount of therapy time prescribed reduces. Simply put, we want your child to succeed and demonstrate overall independence with the skills that are most meaningful for him/her, as soon as possible, so that ABA therapy is no longer needed. We look forward to celebrating every graduation from therapy.

When should my child start?2024-02-01T03:48:01+00:00

Your child should begin ABA therapy as soon as possible after receiving an autism diagnosis. Research indicates the earlier kiddos begin receiving therapy, the greater the likelihood of learning and retaining long lasting and life changing skills. Additionally, the sooner therapy begins, the sooner a child begins catching up on critical skills promoting desired levels of independence and development as he/she grows older. Every child learns at a different pace and faces unique barriers impacting the rate of learning.

InBloom Austism Services provides therapy with children as young as 18 months old and our team creates personalized therapy plans to promote continued growth and advancement for each kiddo.

What is the Parent/CareGiver Role in ABA Therapy at InBloom?

How are parents and caregivers involved in therapy?2024-02-01T03:46:59+00:00

Caregiver involvement is critical to getting the most out of ABA therapy. Research shows caregiver participation results in positive outcomes across a variety of different skills and behaviors. InBloom Autism Services, as well as insurance payors, require caregivers be involved in coaching/education sessions at least twice per month.

Throughout the course of therapy, individual goals are set for caregivers to support their, as well as their child’s progress. Coaching sessions conducted by your child’s Board Certified Behavior Analyst involve a high level of collaboration to ensure skills targeted for therapy are those most meaningful and impactful for your child as well as for your family. Additionally, caregiver coaching sessions are necessary in order to promote desired skills and behavior across a variety of settings, situations, and people. Most often, children need some help learning how to transfer acquired skills outside of the context of therapy and across different people.

Questions About InBloom Autism Services

How does InBloom Autism Services provide ABA Therapy?2024-02-01T03:46:39+00:00

InBloom’s Care Center facilities and clinicians create an environment conducive to providing an abundance of learning opportunities where kiddos thrive and achieve amazing things. There are a variety of teaching approaches that fall under the ABA umbrella. Examples of ABA methods implemented at InBloom include: Verbal Behavior Therapy, Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT), Natural Environment Teaching (NET), Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT), and Incidental Teaching.

Targeting desired skills and goals along with your child’s individual learning needs determine care plans to achieve optimal results. Some approaches are highly structured with less distractions and less variation in their presentation. Other approaches are less structured and more naturalistic with intentionally contrived learning opportunities. No matter the method, our therapy team follows the child’s lead to ensure fun and motivation. More often than not, they don’t even realize they are learning in the process. That is always our goal!

InBloom’s Learning Centers also provide dedicated spaces for mealtimes, arts and crafts, circle time, and other activities. Circle time is a group activity where kiddos work on a variety of group skills and social skills with their peers. Examples of skills worked on in circle time include greeting peers, responding to peers, sitting in a group and attending to a story. Participating in songs and games, imitating peers, taking turns, and much more are all part of the fun.

InBloom’s Difference in Your Child’s Care

Is therapy at InBloom one-on-one?2024-02-01T03:45:56+00:00

Yes, each kiddo has a therapy team that consists of one Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs). Therapy is delivered in a one to one ratio. One RBT to one kiddo at a time.

What is the age range of kiddos who receive therapy at InBloom?2024-02-01T03:46:12+00:00

Kiddos new to our program are between the ages of 18 months and 5 years. As your child’s skills develop to the point where they can successfully attend school, we offer comprehensive services up to 12 years old. Each child, no matter their age or developmental level, receives a personalized plan to help them reach their individual goals.

How does InBloom make sure we have an amazing therapy team?2024-02-01T03:46:26+00:00

We hire only the best clinical professionals in the industry to work on our team. Each member of the InBloom team engages in an extensive interview process, rigorous training program, and very detailed background and reference checks. Additionally, ongoing training provides for every clinician at every level. We hold firm to our mission and believe our team members should never stop learning and improving. All ABA clinical team members receive monthly and quarterly performance evaluations and competency checklists to ensure exemplary performance.

Questions About Insurance

Questions about insurance are answered by visiting our Insurance page here.

Have more questions? Call us today!

Our Care Team loves to answer any questions you have. Reach us by phone during business hours or by filling out our HIPAA-compliant contact form anytime.