Direct ABA Therapy
At InBloom Autism Services, we offer a broad spectrum of center-based ABA therapy services for children on the autism spectrum. Our approach offers several advantages, and direct ABA therapy is just one of these.

What is Direct ABA Therapy?
Though ABA therapy is sometimes provided indirectly, direct ABA therapy offers children with autism the benefits of focused, in-person therapy. At InBloom Autism Services, children have regular therapy sessions with dedicated therapists, enabling them to grow and bloom as they learn new skills, meet their goals, and improve their quality of life.

Key Components of Direct ABA Therapy
To better understand direct ABA therapy, let’s explore some of its key aspects.
Behavior Analysis
“Behavior analysis” might sound intimidating, but it’s simply the process of gathering information about your child’s behavior patterns, interactions, and skills. Our Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) play a central role in your child’s behavior analysis. A BCBA will spend time interacting with your child and making observations. Their experience and training enable them to gather essential information about your child’s unique strengths and needs to create a personalized treatment plan.
Treatment Plan
This might sound quite clinical, but it’s really not. A treatment plan is a tailor-made plan for your child’s therapy. Based on their observations of your child’s skills in several areas—communication, social interaction, daily tasks, and others—a BCBA will create a personalized therapy plan. Your child’s unique plan will include therapy goals as well as a recommendation on the number of therapy hours your child will benefit from.
Skill Acquisition
Skill acquisition is simply all about your child learning new skills. Based on the treatment plan created by your child’s BCBA, a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) will guide your child through therapy, helping them bloom and grow as they work on a range of essential life skills in several areas–including academic, social, communication, and daily living skills.
Behavior Change
Behavior change is the outcome of all of this. Direct ABA therapy incorporates focused therapy and a range of effective therapy methods, all guided by our BCBAs and implemented by RBTs. Through ABA therapy, your child can learn new skills, replace challenging behaviors with effective ones, and blossom into their full potential.
How Direct ABA Therapy Works
So, how does direct ABA therapy work?
Therapy Sessions
At InBloom Autism Services, after a comprehensive assessment and tailor-made treatment plan, your child can start into direct ABA therapy. Each child’s therapy experience will look a bit different based on their specific needs and goals as determined by their BCBA in collaboration with you.
In therapy sessions, your child’s RBT will use a variety of effective teaching methods to help your child learn and grow, including Natural Environment Teaching (NET), incidental teaching, Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT), task analysis, and Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT). Each approach to therapy is like a tool in a toolbelt, enabling your child’s therapist to meet your child where they’re at and provide the best learning experience possible.

Benefits of Direct ABA Therapy
Direct ABA therapy at InBloom can benefit your child in a myriad of ways:
- 1-on-1: Focused attention and support ensure your child’s learning needs are met.
- Flexible: Your child’s BCBA can adjust your child’s therapy plan along the way to ensure their needs are met with optimized therapy.
- Individualized: Unlike indirect ABA therapy, direct ABA therapy at InBloom provides a therapy experience tailor-made to your child’s unique strengths and needs.
Support for Parents and Caregivers
Parent and caregiver coaching is another exciting benefit of ABA therapy at InBloom. Continuity and collaboration are key values at InBloom. Your child will be in therapy a certain number of hours per week, but they’re home for much longer. As a parent or caregiver, you play a vital role in fostering their growth and development.
At InBloom, you will be able to meet regularly with your child’s BCBA to discuss their therapy plan, share your observations, and get helpful caregiver coaching on how to encourage your child’s continued learning at home. Being equipped with helpful ideas and tools will enable you to help your child grow as they make strides in social skills, communication techniques, academic readiness, and many other vital life-enriching skills.

Start Your Autism Therapy Journey with InBloom
Contact us to learn more about starting an exciting journey of direct ABA therapy with InBloom Autism Services.